Zealously Represent our Clients

You Need a Reliable Lawyer That Helps Secure Your business in China

Professional and Experienced International Business and Trade Attorneys

Have you encountered these problems while working with your OEM factories in China?

1. The supplier makes all sorts of excuses and delays the shipments despite your protests.

2. When the container arrived, you discovered that the manufacturing quality was so poor that you couldn't accept it.

3. After you made the advance payment, you waited and never received the goods. Why did this happen? You may have been scammed.

We hear you and understand your troubles. Every year, we provide legal advice and solutions to an international client base. Our lawyers are fluent in English, well-versed in legal knowledge, and committed to achieving success. We will do our best to solve your problems, no matter where you are.

introduction to our law firm

Our Practice Areas

International Trade

Our lawyers have extensive experience advising on international trade-related matters, including supplier investigations, drafting, reviewing, and translating contracts, conducting business negotiations, managing debt collections, handling shipping and transportation, overseeing warehousing, and addressing trade scams.

Dispute Resolution

We will guide you through all aspects of the dispute, including court and tribunal appearances, the formation and adoption of strategies, attendance at hearings, and negotiations for settlement in both litigation and arbitration procedures for contract disputes, torts, and other issues.

Marriage, Divorce & Inheritance

Our lawyers have experience in drafting prenuptial agreements, divorce agreements, wills, and inheritance documents for both domestic and intercultural couples. Additionally, we handle marriage-related litigation, as well as the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.

Tax Compliance

Our tax lawyers offer excellent tax services covering a wide range of areas, including individual income tax and corporate tax filing, bookkeeping, tax policies, corporate restructuring, M&A, all under the framework of the China Tax system, combined with a comprehensive legal understanding of the issues.

Invest in China

We have assisted companies from various industries in establishing wholly owned subsidiaries in China and have served as legal counsel, guiding them to operate in compliance with Chinese laws and regulations.

Work In China

We provide advice to expats on employment and labor law matters in China, including employee benefits and incentives, mobility and immigration, labor unions, working discipline, and termination.

Intellectual Property Protection

We provide advice to clients on how to manage, protect, and enforce their intellectual property rights (IPRs) to gain business advantages. Our experience includes handling IPR disputes and litigation, as well as trademark registration.

Chinese Lawyers powered by experience and excellence.

Why Choose Our Firm

One of the Largest law firms in China

10+ years of international trade and legal experience

100+ law firm offices home and abroad

Local resources and Global vision

We provide seamless services just for your satisfactory and success.

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